Peer Assessment of Group 4 - Project 2 Peer Assessment of Group 4

Category Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 5 Average
Topic and Paper Selection (0-15) 13 12 12 15 13
Synposis and Identification of Specific Problem (0-15) 10 11 12 9 10.5
Spectroscopy Section (0-10) 8 7 8 7 7.5
Format, Number and Types of Questions (0-10) 9 8 8 7 8
Quality of the Questions (0-20) 18 17 16 17 17
Presentation & Defense (0-20) 16 17 16 17 16.5
Overall Impression (0-10) 8 8 8 8 8
TOTAL 82 80 80 80 80.5

Evaluation by Group 1
Group 1: Dissolved in Water  Emma Teuten, Mike Lewis, & Paul Benny

Group 4:Gang of Three

(C)Responses To Evaluation Categories
(1)Topic and Paper Selection(0-15)............................13/15
(2) Synopsis and Identification of Specific Problem(0-15).....10/15
  Too brief. Defining the problem in more detal would have helped to
clarify things. 
(3)Spectroscopy Section(0-10)..................................8/10
(4)Format(0-10) ...............................................9/10
(5)Quality of the Questions(0-20).............................18/20
  Qu.s 1 and 2 would have made more sense if they were reversed. We liked
qu. 5- very clever.
(6)Presentation & Defense(0-20)...............................16/20
  Qu.s were answered very well. At times, though, which epimers were being
discussed got a bit confusing.
(7)Overall Impression(0-10)....................................8/10

Evaluation by Group 2
(A) Evaluators
Group 2  JAW  Asitha, Wen and Jianzheng

(B) Evaluee 
Group 4   Gang of Three

(C)Responses To Evaluation Categories

(1)  Topic and Paper Selection                   12
(2)  Synopsis and Identification of Specific Problem               11
Too simple
(3)Spectroscopy Section                      7
The spectrum is not clear enough
(4)Format                        8
(5)Quality of the Questions         17
(6)Presentation & Defense                     17
(7)Overall Impression(0-10                    8

Evaluation by Group 3
> (A) Group 3: Bible Study Class
> (B) Group 4: Gang of Three
> (C)
>      (1). Topic and Paper Selection: 12 Points
>      (2). Synposis and Identification of Specific Problem:  12 Points
>      (3). Spectroscopy Section:  8 Points
>      (4). Format, Number and Types of Questions: 8 Points
>      (5). Quality of the Questions:  16 Points
>      (6). Presentation and Defense:  16 Points
>      (7). Overall Impression: 8 Points
>  TOTAL POINTS:  80 Points

Evaluation by Group 5
  A)  Group 5   Alcohol Protecting Group
     B)  Group 4   Gang of Three
        1)  Topic and Paper Selection:   15
                fulfilled all requirements
        2)  Synposis and Identification of Specific Problem:    9
                introduction a little brief
        3)  Spectroscopy Section:    7
                spectra could be cleaner
                the 2 model compounds in fig 1 are not necessary
        4)  Format, Number and Types of Questions:    7
                question 1 should be RQD
                question 2 should be EVL        
                question 3 maybe SCL
        5)  Quality of Questions:    17
                questions were reasonable
        6)  Presentation & Defense:   17
                nice presentation - handled questions fairly very well
        7)  Overall Impression:    8
                problem relates well to topics covered in class