Peer Assessment of Group 2 - Project 2 Peer Assessment of Group 2

Category Group 1 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Average
Topic and Paper Selection (0-15) 14 12 15 15 14
Synposis and Identification of Specific Problem (0-15) 13 8 14.5 13 12.13
Spectroscopy Section (0-10) 8 8 7 7 7.5
Format, Number and Types of Questions (0-10) 9 9 10 6 8.5
Quality of the Questions (0-20) 18 16 20 16 17.5
Presentation & Defense (0-20) 18 16 19 16 17.25
Overall Impression (0-10) 9 8 10 7 8.5
TOTAL 89 81 94.5 80 86.13

Evaluation by Group 1
>Group 1: Dissolved in Water  Emma Teuten, Mike Lewis, & Paul Benny
>Group  :JAW   (Group 2)
>(C)Responses To Evaluation Categories
>(1)Topic and Paper Selection(0-15)...........................14/15
>(2) Synopsis and Identification of Specific Problem(0-15)....13/15
>(3)Spectroscopy Section(0-10).................................8/10
>(4)Format(0-10) ..............................................9/10
>(5)Quality of the Questions(0-20)............................18/20
>  The questions were well formutaled and helped considerably in
>understanding the host-guest interactions the paper was concerned with. 
>(6)Presentation & Defense(0-20)..............................18/20
>  A great presentation. Well organised and explained very clearly.
>(7)Overall Impression(0-10)...................................9/10

Evaluation by Group 3
> (A) Group 3: Bible Study Class
> (B) Group 2: JAW
> (C)
>      (1). Topic and Paper Selection: 12 Points
>      (2). Synposis and Identification of Specific Problem:  12 Points
>      (3). Spectroscopy Section:  8 Points
>      (4). Format, Number and Types of Questions: 9 Points
>      (5). Quality of the Questions:  16 Points
>      (6). Presentation and Defense:  16 Points
>      (7). Overall Impression:  8 Points
>  TOTAL POINTS:  81 Points

Evaluation by Group 4
>b)Group 4,Asithe Abeywardhane/Wen Jian/Jianzheng Shi   (Group 2!!!)
>c)(1)The selected problem met the criteria regarding usage of 2DNMR.15
>  (2)The synopsis is brief and understandable.14.5
>  (3)The spectra well scanned but the informations supplied were
>insufficient to answer the questions.7
>  (4)All the criteria well met.10
>  (5)Questions were clear and addressed to the central issue.They are
>understandable and clear.20
>  (6)Presenters were confident and handled the questions
>  (7)The problem is suitable to assign for the class.10
> Total 94.5
>b)Group 5,ZhenCheng/Fang Hu/Lixin Chao
>c)(1)The selected problem met the required criteria.15
>  (2)The synopsis was brief and dealt well.15
>  (3)The spectra could have been scanned better and some more
>needed for the questions.6
>  (4)Questions are not properly specified.7
>  (5)The questions are far fetched and contains fair amount of marginal
>  (6)The presentation is ok.17.5
>  (7)The problem can be assigned to the class.10.
>  Total 88
>                                                    From 
>                                                 the gang of three
>                                                 Sandeep Rayat
>                                                 Dan Philips
>                                                 Subhabrata Sen

Evaluation by Group 5
A)  Group 5   Alcohol Protecting Group
     B)  Group 2   JAW
        1)  Topic and Paper Selection:   15
                fulfilled all requirements
        2)  Synposis and Identification of Specific Problem:    13
                why are these molecules important?
                explain better why ROESY is better than NOESY
        3)  Spectroscopy Section:    7
                spectra could be cleaner and smaller
                captions on spectra and figures would be helpful
        4)  Format, Number and Types of Questions:    6
                part II is 4 pages (not 3 as required)
                question 1 should be SCL not ICR
        5)  Quality of Questions:    16
                question 4 would have been better to ask for shift of a     
                single sugar (unclear which protons the question spoke of) 
        6)  Presentation & Defense:   16
                showing a table from Pretsch for question 2 would have
                been helpful, nice introduction, maybe explain ROESY better
        7)  Overall Impression:    7
                overall a good project, just need to understand ROESY       