Peer Assessment of Group 3 Peer Assessment of Group 3

Category G31 G32 G33 G34 G35 Average
Visual Appeal 9 7 10 8 8 -
Content 10 8 7 8 9 -
WWW Suitability 10 8 10 9 10 -
Relevance to 210 8 10 8 9 10 -
Personal Gain 10 8 8 8 10 -
TOTAL from Peers 47 41 43 42 47 44
Technical Merit 50
TOTAL for GP 94

Evaluation by Group 31
Group #3 No Namers
1.  Visual Appeal    =9
2.  Content          =10
3.  WWW Suitability  =10
4.  Relevance to 210 =8
5.  Personal Gain    =10

             Total   =47
Comments:  Very interesting because it dealt with everyone's health.
However, it was not very apparent how it was relevant to 210.

Evaluation by Group 32
1. Group 32--Five Strangers

2. Group  3--Nonamers

3. Visual Appeal of Site: 7

4. Content: 8

5. WWW Suitibility: 8

6. Relevence: 10

Cholesterol, one of most widely known of organic substances.

7. Personal Gain: 8

Overall, an average site in layout; very good topic, not given as much
information and thought as it deserved. Very basic design.

Evaluation by Group 33
Group 3.
Visual appeal    : 10
Content          : 7
WWW Suitability  : 10
Relevance to 210 : 8
Personal Gain    : 8
Total            : 43

The reason why we decided to give 'em only 7 points for content of a site
is because Andrew has found some major mistakes in what they wrote. Under
the paragraph , talking about McDonalds, there are some mistakes in the
information presented, especially in information  about LDL level in a

Evaluation by Group 34
Group 3

Evaluation by Group 35
Group #3

Visual Appeal-8
WWW Suitability-10
Relevance to Chem 210-10
Personal Gain-10
Comments:  The page itself was great but some of the links weren't very
visually appealing