Peer Assessment of Group 30 Peer Assessment of Group 30

Category G21 G22 G23 G24 - Average
Visual Appeal 8 10 10 10 - -
Content 9 10 10 10 - -
WWW Suitability 9 10 10 9 - -
Relevance to 210 8 10 7 9 - -
Personal Gain 8 10 10 9 - -
TOTAL from Peers 42 50 47 47 - 47
Technical Merit 50
TOTAL for GP 97

Evaluation by Group 21

1. Evaluators:  Group #21 - The Randoms
2. Evaluatees:  Group #30 - Molecule Maniacs

Visual Appeal  8
Content  9
WWW Suitability  9
Relevance to Chem 210  8
Personal Gain  8

Total  42

Evaluation by Group 22
Group 30:
1. 10
3.  10
4. 10
5. 10
Total: 50
Comments:  terrific job!  sites were visually appealing and interesting,
but we didn't appreciate the sarcasm in the group dymanics

Evaluation by Group 23
Professor Glaser,
        Here is one of  our evaluations

Evaluators group #23 The Magnificent DANAN
                     Nicole White
                     Darren Perry

we evaluated the group as follows:

Group #30 Molecule Maniacs

                        Visual Appeal-10
*Excellent sites good color and pictures.
*Good examples of different nuclear disasters.  Information is presented
clearly and concisely.
                        WWW Suitability-10
*The the information from several mediums comes together on one web site,
this is not available anywhere else.
                        Relevance to Chem 210-7
*Only a small section of the site is dedicated to chemistry.  Perhaps a
little more emphasis is necessary.
                        Personal Gain-10
*Very interesting topic and it is presented in an appealing manner.  We
enjoyed discovering things about nuclear disasters.


Evaluation by Group 24
Commissioner Gordon:
Here is the Batsignal!!!!
Group 24 evulation of groups 26, 27, 29, 30

                26       27       29       30
Visual         9         9        10       10 
Content        9         9        9         10
WWW            9        10        9         9
Relevence      9        10        9         9
Personal Gain  8        8         8         9

Total          44       46        45        47

Grop 30:   Check your sites-some do not work!!!  Otherwise even Robin, the
boy wonder, was intrigued by your links.  Two bat thumbs up!

Now -OFF TO THE BATCAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!