Peer Assessment of Group 19 Peer Assessment of Group 19

Category G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 Average
Visual Appeal 8 8 9 9 8 -
Content 10 9 10 8 7 -
WWW Suitability 9 9 9 10 8 -
Relevance to 210 9 9 9 8 7 -
Personal Gain 9 9 9 8 7 -
TOTAL from Peers 45 44 46 43 37 43
Technical Merit 50
TOTAL for GP 93

Evaluation by Group 11
1) evaluators- group 11, "Hot Wings"

2) evaluees- group 19, "Flaming Dog Poo and the Human Response"

3) visual appeal- 8
   Most sites were rather plain.

4) content- 10
   Plenty of information

5) WWW suitability- 9
   The 3D molecule did not work.

6) relevance to 210- 9
   Did not go into the mechanism of how AZT helps fight against AIDS.  

7) personal gain- 9
   Most of the information we already knew


Evaluation by Group 12
1. Group 12-Alkanetraz, 5 evaluators
2. Group 19-Flaming dog poo.....
3. 8
4. 9
5. 9
6. 9
7. 9

We felt there was alot of good info, but the visual appeal of the sites
 lacking something.

Evaluation by Group 13
Group #19--Flaming Dog Poo and the Human Response
        1) Visual Appeal--9
        2) Content--10
        3) WWW Suitability--9
        4) Relevance to Chem210--9
        5) Personal Gain--9

     Comments:  Informative, right on task.  This is a very important
subject to everyone on earth!  We liked the map of cases.  It really shows
the extent of the disease.  No place on earth is left untouched.

Evaluation by Group 14
Evaluators- Group 14: Apocalypse

Evaluees-   Group 19: Flaming Dog Poo

Visual Appeal- 9
        The sites linked were very good at providing visual appeal.  The
pictures were all very good at keeping our interest.

Content- 8
        The content seemed good.  There was a lot of information provided
for us to read.

Suitability- 10
        The suitability of this project to the web was very good.  There
was a lot of information that would be very hard to find or completely
inaccessible or unavailable in books.

Relevance- 8
        The relevance of this site to chem 210 was a little hard to fond
but it was there.

Personal Gain- 8
        We feel like we have learned a lot from this project.

Evaluation by Group 15
1) Group 15  The Unknowns

2) Group 19  Flaming Dog Poo and the Human Response

3) Visual appeal of sites:  8

4) Content of site:  7

5) WWW Suitability:  8

6) Relevance to chem 210:  7

7) Personal gain:  7

Total:  37

Visual appeal of site was graded most generously because we liked the
moving molecule.  We were not impressed by the content of the site, we
were confused whether the topic was AIDS or AZT.