Dr. Glaser, Betsy Arthur 663922 Nita Gupta 665594 Matt Hiller 645589 Sara Nesbitt 639672 Mark Powell 664221 and Heidi Rubach 668687 Proudly introduce the formation of our group of groups, a phunky phresh combination hereby christened as: &%! (The Group Formerly Known as Chem Wagon) We're phat. We're all that. We don't have to watch Dynasty to have an attitude. Thanks, Dr. Glaser! - &%! (The Group Formerly Known as Chem Wagon) ------------ NAME CHANGE REQUEST -------- Group number 22 requests a name change. The member who chose it is no longer in the class and the rest of us would prefer a new name. Our old name is &%! (the group formerly known as chem wagon). We would like our new name to be BANGSMHR Thank you, BANGSNHR members